Joe Hacker, my Performance for Camera professor at the University of Southern California gave a lecture this week on the pay off of being genuine. Throughout my entire life as an actress, I have often wondered what it is about certain actors that make them stand out and rise above everyone else in the entertainment industry. Why is it that whenever someone mentions the word “actor”, there is a select few that immediately pop into mind? Most of all, how on earth can an aspiring actor reach that peak level? These questions were answered with that one simple word: Genuine.
When describing what it means to be genuine, Hacker says “to be genuine is to be remembered.” When auditioning, the director does not want to see an actor trying to be someone he/she is not, “they want to see the person in real time doing real things.” It all comes down to truth. When the director asks the auditioner how they are today, it is never a good idea to say “good.” They hear that two hundred times a day, every day. They’ll forget that audition in a second. But rather, “communicate [the] emotional relationship to whatever [is being said],” and this can easily be done by actively communicating the emotional points of view expressed through the tone of voice and body language.
This is what makes an actor famous and remembered for years passed their death. These actors have owned their mistakes and have shared their true inner feelings with the camera, which has allowed the audience to see the actor and character for who they really are. A prime example would be the worldly known Ian McKellen, as shown to the right. At the age of 68, he still owns the camera by his genuine graces. OneNews just released an article based on Mckellen’s unforgettable appearance to the camera and how it has raked in an extremely large sum of money within the business. The article stated that “playing Gandalf [from Lord of the Rings] made McKellen, one of the English-speaking world's leading actors, an international box office star.” Ever since this debut, he has been asked back repeatedly by a countless number of directors around the globe begging his presence in their plays and films. McKellen later quoted in the article that “I became more of an actor because I could play before the cameras…it made for a big change in my life.” He has been asked back to play the role as Gandalf for the future making of The Hobbit, once he wraps up his world tour performance of King Lear at the end of this month.
Tom Hanks, as displayed on the left,is yet another actor that is constantly brought up upon discussing acting. His presence is clearly unforgettable and the way he transforms himself before the camera makes him all the more real and genuine. Age does not slow this man’s career down at all. All Headline News announced that he will be reoccurring in the Da Vinci Code’s prequel titled Angels and Demons, which “is set to begin filming in the beginning of 2008 for a December release.”
Of course there are a number of actors that undoubtedly appear in conversation when it comes to fine acting as Johnny Depp, Natalie Portman, and Dustin Hoffman are only a few. In order for an actor to be within that list of memorable names, he/she must first know how to audition. Upon auditioning, the main goal is to be remembered, and the only way to do this is to be genuine, and this comes by recognizing what is going on inside of the mind and sharing it with the camera. As Michael Caine, another world know actor once said, “the more you share with [the camera], the more it will take care of you.” This is what lead Ian McKellen and Tom Hanks to their success.
Drama Therapy: Displaying the Power of Theatre
It is becoming noticeably popular for drama to be used to clear the mind and release tensions and suppressed issues not only in America, but also around the world. Acting out frustrations and problems has appeared to work for many people whether they are already involved in the theatre realm, or have never really lifted the curtain to explore the sphere of this art. This technique is termed Drama Therapy and it enables “participants to tell their stories, set goals and solve problems, express feelings, or achieve catharsis” as described by the National Association for Drama Therapy (NADT). There are several different forms that drama therapy can take on (as shown on the chart, in order to release frustrations and issues. With drama therapy being such a broad term, it allows participants to choose how they want to present and express their problem. Because of the effective results from around the world, the attention of theatre will rise once again. Theatre can not only entertain the audience, but also change lives.
In Russia for example, Muscovites use the theatre as way of dealing with their frustration by acting out a story of a certain problem they are dealing with, and it is a group effort, which connects people and allows everyone to empathize with others and their problem. This appears to help them cope with their crisis knowing that they are not alone in the dilemma. The Playback theatre in Moscow offers this form of therapy to anyone interested as Russia Today stated that “they tell a story about their life, choose actors to play the various roles, then sit back and watch as their story is recreated on stage.” This spontaneous improvisation releases tension and allows acceptance of what they are dealing with in their lives.
This method may sound surprising for some, however entering into the world of theatre is literally a way of entering into a new world. In order to act as a character on stage, one must be able to empty oneself of all personal problems. This will allow the actor to discover the body and mind of the character he or she is to play. With this, theatre is, in a sense, a meditation, and many different methods of meditation are used worldwide to help relieve current issues and problems people face in their lives. So why not use the passion of theatre in the personal life rather than just the professional? The Drama for Life Research is a prime example of intertwining the professional realm of acting with the personal. Its goals for the future, as described by, are to use theatre as a way to reach out to communities across Africa and “supports existing organizations devoted to HIV/AIDS education through drama and theatre.” With Africa’s strong background of theatre, the Drama for Life Research’s meta-objective is to help “restore theatre as a central component to quality living”, as displayed to the left. Theatre used to be a tremendous empowering force within everyday life in Africa, but due to globalization as well as many current issues the people face today, the mythical and ritual representation of theatre has somewhat diminished. By way of personalizing theatre on AIDS and HIV victims, and bringing awareness of these issues through the power of theatre, lives and cultures may be made stronger.
But Africa is not the only venue. recently published an article informing readers that a hospital in India released a play to cancer patients and relatives in hope to “relieve them of depression.” The method behind this is animated by “how gaining knowledge of the disease and available treatment can be of immense help.” This goes to show that the theatre has tremendous life changing powers and can be used in more way than just pure entertainment. Theatre can bring awareness, solve daily problems, and hopefully change lives.
Rather than repressing a dilemma or quandary, the message of drama therapy is to act it out. Even though drama therapy may not completely omit stress factors for everyone, surrounding oneself with a group of people living with the similar dilemmas can have positive effects. Knowing that a patient is not alone and has the opportunity to not only talk about problems, but also watch the struggle acted out on stage relieves lonesome feelings and brings people together. It is great to know that one's own passion has turned out to be one that has the power of healing. The NADT states that drama therapy allows “participants [to] expand their repertoire of dramatic roles to find that their own life roles have been strengthened.” On another level, one can use this art to bring attention to current issues within the United States such as gay rights, drug abuse, and abstinence. As drama therapy becomes increasingly popular, the assumption is that it must be correspondingly effective, and if so bring positive results back onto the professional side.
In Russia for example, Muscovites use the theatre as way of dealing with their frustration by acting out a story of a certain problem they are dealing with, and it is a group effort, which connects people and allows everyone to empathize with others and their problem. This appears to help them cope with their crisis knowing that they are not alone in the dilemma. The Playback theatre in Moscow offers this form of therapy to anyone interested as Russia Today stated that “they tell a story about their life, choose actors to play the various roles, then sit back and watch as their story is recreated on stage.” This spontaneous improvisation releases tension and allows acceptance of what they are dealing with in their lives.
This method may sound surprising for some, however entering into the world of theatre is literally a way of entering into a new world. In order to act as a character on stage, one must be able to empty oneself of all personal problems. This will allow the actor to discover the body and mind of the character he or she is to play. With this, theatre is, in a sense, a meditation, and many different methods of meditation are used worldwide to help relieve current issues and problems people face in their lives. So why not use the passion of theatre in the personal life rather than just the professional? The Drama for Life Research is a prime example of intertwining the professional realm of acting with the personal. Its goals for the future, as described by, are to use theatre as a way to reach out to communities across Africa and “supports existing organizations devoted to HIV/AIDS education through drama and theatre.” With Africa’s strong background of theatre, the Drama for Life Research’s meta-objective is to help “restore theatre as a central component to quality living”, as displayed to the left. Theatre used to be a tremendous empowering force within everyday life in Africa, but due to globalization as well as many current issues the people face today, the mythical and ritual representation of theatre has somewhat diminished. By way of personalizing theatre on AIDS and HIV victims, and bringing awareness of these issues through the power of theatre, lives and cultures may be made stronger.
But Africa is not the only venue. recently published an article informing readers that a hospital in India released a play to cancer patients and relatives in hope to “relieve them of depression.” The method behind this is animated by “how gaining knowledge of the disease and available treatment can be of immense help.” This goes to show that the theatre has tremendous life changing powers and can be used in more way than just pure entertainment. Theatre can bring awareness, solve daily problems, and hopefully change lives.
Rather than repressing a dilemma or quandary, the message of drama therapy is to act it out. Even though drama therapy may not completely omit stress factors for everyone, surrounding oneself with a group of people living with the similar dilemmas can have positive effects. Knowing that a patient is not alone and has the opportunity to not only talk about problems, but also watch the struggle acted out on stage relieves lonesome feelings and brings people together. It is great to know that one's own passion has turned out to be one that has the power of healing. The NADT states that drama therapy allows “participants [to] expand their repertoire of dramatic roles to find that their own life roles have been strengthened.” On another level, one can use this art to bring attention to current issues within the United States such as gay rights, drug abuse, and abstinence. As drama therapy becomes increasingly popular, the assumption is that it must be correspondingly effective, and if so bring positive results back onto the professional side.
Ageless: Battling Against the Undefeatable
Performers who possess the undying passion to live out their undying dream in the entertainment business have been told time and time again that their time is now. The world of film is a prime example of an industry that hunts for striving actors in their prime, and this so-called “prime” age in film is considered to range from a mere sixteen to twenty-four years old. It is during these few years that thirsty actors have their shot at making it big. Even celebrities such as Demi Moore, who have been icons within the industry, find themselves somewhat forced out of the business due to their age and declining appearance because, primarily, those who are enthralled with entertainment world are the younger-aged teenagers.
Time Online just released an article based on the seemingly ageless actress Michelle Pfeiffer, who is playing the lead in an upcoming film based on the “metaphor for the grotesque mutilation taking place in society.” Going on fifty, she still embodies the qualities of a younger woman, as shown in the image on the left, and a starving actor cannot help but wonder what her secret is. Most of us automatically assume the “secret” is likely to be surgery, just as the considerably older, yet younger looking actress Demi Moore has proceeded to do multiple times. However, Pfeiffer’s case is quite the opposite. She strongly opposes the easy way out as she claims that “there’s a lot that you can do surgically…to make yourself look younger, yes-but not necessarily better.” She in fact pities those who are always constantly looking for different ways to make themselves look better, and whose habits become something like an “anorexic disease." As the power of media continues to increase in order to effect its audience, the fear of aging has continued to grow as well.
Lindsay Lohan, for example is fit for this “disease” Pfeiffer speaks of, as she was just released from “her third trip to rehab since January” due to her problem witj drugs, alcohol, and overall body abuse, claims Her acting career has come to a crash because of these quick-fix supplements and habits that have consumed her and have downgraded her once beautiful body. She has clearly aged in appearance from her ongoing troubles, as shown in the image below, and because of her career-threatening choices, no one wants her in their productions.
Pfeiffer is fascinated by the body’s decline, and told Time Online that she “doesn’t do much to preserve.” Rather than turning to plastic surgery, what she admits to doing is “[eating] well and go at it hard core at the gym. But that’s it.” What wonderful, yet demanding news to come from a woman who is aging so graceful. This is all performers who truly plan on remaining active in this business need to do! There really is no need to buy one’s way out from aging, just exercise and healthy eating, which is certainly demanding, but also life changing and a strong necessity for performers. The key points that Pfeiffer makes from the article are truly spectacular, and should be taken into consideration: “I’ve defied the obsession with looks in this industry and not allowed it to shape me…I try to live in the present…I’ve spent most of my life not thinking about my looks and it has served me really well.” This advice is something we should take as gold, for it is this advice alone that is timeless and could lead to years of success beyond the “prime” years the industry is so keen on.
With Pfeiffer’s natural way of aging gracefully, one cannot help but use her as a role model and hope for the best to look as stunning as she does at her age. There are multiple ways to naturally treat and pamper the skin in order to create that timeless look. One of these include eating fresh vegetables, fruits, and fish, as they provide the essential fatty acids and vitamins in order to decrease skin deficiencies and promote “new cell generation, provide anti-oxidant protection against pollutants, and help to build new collagen as we age,” claims Michele Campbell, a resident in naturopathic medicine at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health. There are of course many other ways to improve and stabilize skin health, such as drinking six to eight ounces of water a day, getting enough rest (approximately eight hours), and not smoking. Following these guidelines will allow the body to transport all needed nutrients and thereby rejuvenate. Of course the only way to reach this timeless appearance is to start now, just as it is important to grab a hold of fame and success now.
Time Online just released an article based on the seemingly ageless actress Michelle Pfeiffer, who is playing the lead in an upcoming film based on the “metaphor for the grotesque mutilation taking place in society.” Going on fifty, she still embodies the qualities of a younger woman, as shown in the image on the left, and a starving actor cannot help but wonder what her secret is. Most of us automatically assume the “secret” is likely to be surgery, just as the considerably older, yet younger looking actress Demi Moore has proceeded to do multiple times. However, Pfeiffer’s case is quite the opposite. She strongly opposes the easy way out as she claims that “there’s a lot that you can do surgically…to make yourself look younger, yes-but not necessarily better.” She in fact pities those who are always constantly looking for different ways to make themselves look better, and whose habits become something like an “anorexic disease." As the power of media continues to increase in order to effect its audience, the fear of aging has continued to grow as well.
Lindsay Lohan, for example is fit for this “disease” Pfeiffer speaks of, as she was just released from “her third trip to rehab since January” due to her problem witj drugs, alcohol, and overall body abuse, claims Her acting career has come to a crash because of these quick-fix supplements and habits that have consumed her and have downgraded her once beautiful body. She has clearly aged in appearance from her ongoing troubles, as shown in the image below, and because of her career-threatening choices, no one wants her in their productions.
Pfeiffer is fascinated by the body’s decline, and told Time Online that she “doesn’t do much to preserve.” Rather than turning to plastic surgery, what she admits to doing is “[eating] well and go at it hard core at the gym. But that’s it.” What wonderful, yet demanding news to come from a woman who is aging so graceful. This is all performers who truly plan on remaining active in this business need to do! There really is no need to buy one’s way out from aging, just exercise and healthy eating, which is certainly demanding, but also life changing and a strong necessity for performers. The key points that Pfeiffer makes from the article are truly spectacular, and should be taken into consideration: “I’ve defied the obsession with looks in this industry and not allowed it to shape me…I try to live in the present…I’ve spent most of my life not thinking about my looks and it has served me really well.” This advice is something we should take as gold, for it is this advice alone that is timeless and could lead to years of success beyond the “prime” years the industry is so keen on.
With Pfeiffer’s natural way of aging gracefully, one cannot help but use her as a role model and hope for the best to look as stunning as she does at her age. There are multiple ways to naturally treat and pamper the skin in order to create that timeless look. One of these include eating fresh vegetables, fruits, and fish, as they provide the essential fatty acids and vitamins in order to decrease skin deficiencies and promote “new cell generation, provide anti-oxidant protection against pollutants, and help to build new collagen as we age,” claims Michele Campbell, a resident in naturopathic medicine at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health. There are of course many other ways to improve and stabilize skin health, such as drinking six to eight ounces of water a day, getting enough rest (approximately eight hours), and not smoking. Following these guidelines will allow the body to transport all needed nutrients and thereby rejuvenate. Of course the only way to reach this timeless appearance is to start now, just as it is important to grab a hold of fame and success now.
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