The Lure of American Idol Explained:

Your article defines why it is that so many shows get the attention they do, and not just with reality television, but with television series as well. I live with someone who watches the comedic television series of Friends religiously. He would often mention to me how he would find himself almost in the exact emotional state as his favorite character on the show, because to see this person struggle endowed him with pain and remorse as well. This directly relates to what you said to be how “people become so emotionally connected to the “characters” (fictional or real) that they feel like friends or neighbors. As a result, they tune in to their program to “check in” with their “friends” and see what is going on in their lives.” Furthermore, him and I would often begin to talk about which character is our favorite and why. We both found that we chose our favorite according to how we can relate to them on a personal level, or as you termed it, a “parasocial relationship.” I am heavily involved with theatre and film and have never come across this term before, and it really does explain a lot as to why certain shows capture such a heaping amount of attention. The article has also contributed to how I will choose the roles I play in the future. It would appear to be the wisest decision to play a character that society can relate to, or has related to in the past, since they, as an audience, want to emotionally connect to the person behind the camera or on the stage.
A Tale of Two Slackers
Your article mainly talks about how Chuck relates to NBC directly. But on a different level, I do believe that Chuck can also relate to the Generation Y as a whole. In one instance you explained that “the audience knows that Chuck’s failure to grow up is a result of his past heartbreak and not his capabilities or even his desires. He longs for meaning.” This is what everyone longs for, and because of this, the audience wants to connect with Chuck and see if he can obtain this super-objective in his life. Many young people today are beginning to rebel, slack off, and find different ways to live their lives outside of the work force. The articles also states “Sean Spencer, the titular character, is happy embracing a life that involves avoidance of any hint of adult responsibility.” Perhaps this is why many people are viewing shows such as Psych and Chuck. I myself am interested in television shows that display characters that I can directly relate to in my everyday life. If not that, than I find myself watching shows that display people living experiences and dealing with problems that I have dealt with in the past. Even though these shows are very fictional, and do not happen in life as we see them on the screen, the actions and decisions that the characters make can help open our eyes and help the audience become aware of different moral and ethical decisions. What can keep entertainment businesses such as NBC and USA on their feet is providing shows that have characters that the audience can connect to on an emotional level due to the similarity of both the audiences and characters daily lives and daily struggles.